On a Matching Distance between Rooted Phylogenetic Trees

(By Damian Bogdanowicz and Krzysztof Giaro)

Supplemental Material

During the computation we analyzed 10000 pairs of trees that were chosen at random from among all possible rooted binary trees with a particular number of leaves (n) under two the most popular models: the uniform model and the Yule model. In the case of the uniform model, an edge is added uniformly and randomly to any edge of the base tree. In this model, all phylogenetic trees have the same probability to be drawn. In the case of the Yule model, an edge is added uniformly and randomly to a pendant edge only, and the corresponding label is uniformly and randomly drawn as well. The following files contain the results:

A preliminary experimental version of the application MCdist for computing the Matching Cluster distance between rooted phylogenetic trees can be download as a zip archive: MCdist.zip together with a short manual MCdist_manual.pdf. In order to unpack the file any software supporting zip compression, for example free software 7-zip (http://www.7-zip.org/), can be used. MCdist is a command line tool written in pure Java. Java VM in version at least 1.5 is required to properly run MCdist.