PCB Laboratory

PCB Ordering Guidelines

Contact: zielik4@gmail.com

PCB without holes:

  • Only files in *.gbr format are accepted.
  • No layering - each layer in separate file.
  • The top layer file should be named "top" and the bottom - "bottom".
  • The bottom.gbr file should be a mirror image of the original project.
  • In projects the metallization (copper layer) should be marked in color - no copper is the black background.
  • Include an illustration (drawing) showing the relative orientation of the "top" and "bottom" layouts.
  • Two-sided PCB's designs must include tags that allow unambiguous layer matching (one tag is suggested asymmetric).
  • In the case of single layer, please specify whether the copper should be removed.
  • Specify the type and thickness of the laminate.
  • Specify whether the laminate will be delivered or KIMiA resources can be used. In the first case, the laminate dimensions should be at least 5mm larger than the project.
  • Specify the final size of the PCB. If it is not specified it will about 5mm from the outline/tags.
  • The maximum plate size is A4.

PCB with holes:

  • The above specification applies, with the exception of point 2.
  • The layer with the *.drl format must be included.
  • On layer *.drl and *.gbr the tags must be placed in the same locations.
  • Specify whether the holes are to be metallized.