The Department of Automatic Control offers studies conducted in English on graduate level on specialization Automatic Control and Robotics. Graduate of this specialization is prepared to solve complicated, interdisciplinary problems in the field of automatization and robotics. During the studies the graduate gains knowledge necessery to carry out creative tasks using proper methods of design and construction of automatic systems, microprocessor control of industrial devices and creating software for robots and automated processing centres. The graduate has skills needed to programme universal computers as well as digital drivers and connecting them with various external devices. The studies also allow to gain knowledge in the field of automatic regulation algorithms and other computational and decicion algorithms. The graduate of the specialization Automatic Control and Robotics acquaires expertise in:

  • measuring and executive systems, which include knowledge of sensors and executive elements used in automation systems as well as ability to use them to design automated measuring and control systems;
  • signal processing methods, what is connected with using new methods of signal analysis and processing in solving practical problems;
  • control systems and methods, what involve using new methods of deduction and system analysis in designing control systems and decision systems;
  • computational methods and means, which include using new methods and computational means to realize designed measuring systems, control systems and decision making systems.

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