Automatic control and robotics, an innovative discipline of science and technology, deals with both the theory and practical applications of devices controlling industrial objects and technological unmanned or partly manned processes.  Automatic control  systems have entered almost all the spheres of contemporary life and are extensively utilized in the economy, industry and science. Their advantages are particularly invaluable in the motoring, shipbuilding, aircraft and armaments industry, transport, medicine, power engineering and agriculture. The widespread applications of automatic control and robotics are economically justified as world increasing globalisation and industrial competitiveness demand lower production costs, higher quality of goods and services and shorter manufacturing times.

The Department of Control Systems, with the highly qualified research staff and well-equipped laboratories, offers technical consulting and training, design and implementation services for industry in the following fields:
Automatic control systems for air-conditioning units,
Ventilation and air-conditioning microcontroller systems,
Development and implementation of advanced algorithms to control temperature and humidity,
Active noise and vibration control.