Students of Automatic Control specialization and robotics enthusiasts started Student Research Group called SKAR. It gives them opportunity to put into practise their innovative project starting from the first year of their studies. One of the exapmles of such projects are autonomic, mobile robots, which construction and software are made by students start to finish. This robots take part in domestic and international MiniSumo turnaments every year. Students can also work on robots made of Lego MindStorm components, which also enter nationwide robotic competition each year. Problems of robots' cooperation can be sorted out thanks to the example of robots playing soccer. Members of the Research Group, beside following their passion, try to popularize automatic control and robotics among highschool students, other Faculties students and residents of Tricity. In order to accomplish this they organize Open Door Science Events, contests and workshops for children and teenagers within Baltic Science Festival and Robot Days.

SKAR Research Group is where new talents are discovered, also those in the field of business. In 2006 five of the Research Group members were awarded with first prize in "Harbinger of entrepreneurship" competition in category "Best business plan connecting Gdansk University of Technology with the economy".