Date added: 2021-06-10
Remote Education

In accordance with the Order of the Rector of PG No. 71/2020 of 16 October 2020 on the introduction of the basic principles of remote education, staying on the premises of Gdańsk University of Technology and the procedure to be followed in the case of suspicion of or contracting COVID-19 among students, doctoral students and employees of Gdańsk University of Technology, in connection with the occurrence of a state of epidemic and the inclusion of the area of the city of Gdańsk in the so-called "epidemic" red zone' informs you that:
1. All classes at full-time and part-time studies from 17. 10. 2020 are held in the mode of remote classes according to the current schedule.
2. Practical classes for semesters 1 and 7 (laboratories, exercises and projects), which cannot be carried out remotely, shall be held in contact mode in accordance with the applicable plan, if their date does not interfere with the remote mode classes on that day.
3. In the case of conflicts of classes as in point 2, these classes will be held on other dates after they are agreed by the teacher with the students and reported to the planning section and the Dean for the organization of studies. The dates will be announced as separate contact activity plans.
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Wipro's Internship Program
Rector's hours