Date added: 2023-06-19
Sollers Tech Talks x Gdańsk 27/06
We are launching a new format of meetings for tech enthusiasts - Sollers Tech Talks.
The theme of our meetings is ' Driven by Developers', which means that the events will be powered by various technical experts. Whether you're a programming pro or just getting started with Java, this event is for you!
We will meet at our Gdansk office in Wrzeszcz with two vibrant speakers - Piotr Stawirej and Anna Czyrko.
😎 Piotr Stawirej:
a clean code fanatic, obsessed with BDD, a devotee of agile methods in running IT projects, faithful to the belief that only a professional approach to every aspect of life is the way to success. Teacher at Bottega IT Minds and speaker at numerous conferences, including Devoxx Poland, Boiling Frogs, 4Developers, JDD, HackYeah, J-Santa, IT Career, Warsaw IT Days, Woman in Tech Camp, SpreadIT, DevConf, SegFault, Developers World Academy.
🍒 Anna Czyrko:
senior tester at Sollers Consulting, an energetic force with a mission. Ania herself creates initiatives and opportunities to support young talents at the beginning of their journey towards a testing career and has been involved in mentoring programmes for many years. She also runs a blog for people who want to try their hand at IT, where she shares her experience (
The speakers will present in English.
Here's the plan for the evening:
⭐️17:30- 18:00 networking ⭐️
⭐️18:00-18:45 Testing the untestable - patterns and use cases analysis - Piotr Stawirej ⭐️
During my career as a programmer, trainer and mentor, I encountered many situations where my colleagues or myself found code that was difficult to test. Some of these situations were repeated and some of them were not. In this presentation, I will show how an application can be simplified and made testable by analysing the cases encountered and the solutions used.
Before joining the presentation, knowledge of OOP, Onion/Hexagonal Architecture, Java (and JUnit) or a Java-like language and experience in writing unit, integration and end-to-end tests is recommended.
⭐️18:45 - 19:00 break ⭐️
⭐️19:00-20:00 The surprising second life of Java in testing - Anna Czyrko ⭐️
Pardon, can I use Java if I am not a developer? Sure you can, and today I will show you how!
I will tell you about the use of Java in test automation and prove that not only Java developers use it. As testers, our work isn't only just clicking as many might think. We also use programming languages!
I will analyze and compare the tools used in our everyday work that include Java and show you a real-life example of its implementation in automation.
⭐️20:00 - 21:00 networking: 🍕 pizza&beer 🍺
🤩 Come and join an evening full of Java inspirations! 🤩
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