The graduates of interdisciplinary direction of Biomedical Engineering, are desired specialists in design, implementation and monitoring diagnostic and teleinformatic systems. The knowledge gained during studies on biomedical engineering enables the graduates a creative work on:

  • advanced and intelligent measuring and diagnostic systems,
  • developing of professional software working in various environments,
  • integration of devices and electronic/teleinformatic systems,
  • processing and the publication of multimedia data, including visualization 3D and 4D,
  • development and management of databases and warehouse databases, multimedia databases
  • modeling of biomedical systems,
  • intelligent discovery of knowledge based on data collection,
  • design and the implementation of decision supporting diagnostic systems and planning of the therapy.

Biomedical engineering is currently one of the strongest growing branch of science, services and industry in our life. It requires an expertise in a broad range of tasks and ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Students of this specialization are studying under the care and supervision of the Department of the Biomedical Engineering which poses status of The Centre of Excellence (given by Minister of Science). Students have an ensured access to the professional academic staff, equipment and softwares, as well as possibility of exchanges with foreign countries (Brussels, Ilmenau, London).

Presentation of streams: