A place for the PhD-Student/Student in PoRaCoat project, financed by M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2023 Programme - extended up to 24.11.2024 | Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-11-12

A place for the PhD-Student/Student in PoRaCoat project, financed by M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2023 Programme - extended up to 24.11.2024

Projekt NCBR

To the project "Innovative stent coating with polyphenol-rapamycin complex with improved drug-eluting properties to target in-stent restenosis (PoRaCoat)", financed by M-ERA.NET 3 Call 2023 and the National Center for Research and Development, realised in dates 01.06.2024-31.05.2027, the Department of Functional Materials Engineering is looking for a PhD-Student/Student.


  • Education: first/second cycle student or MSc. Eng./MSc. (participant of the Doctoral School or with possible recruitment to the Doctoral School) in biomedical engineering, materials engineering, chemistry, electronics, or related fields.
  • Professional experience: Research tasks performed as part of the engineering/master's thesis should be related to biomedical applications, materials engineering, or a related field; participation in a scientific project, a scientific conference for students, or co-authorship of conference publications/journals is welcome.
  • Minimum required scope of knowledge and experience: basic knowledge of materials engineering (in particular: polymers, conducting polymers) and electrochemistry (performing basic measurements), fundamental analysis of the structure and morphology of materials; knowledge of English at an advanced level.

Tasks to be performed: 

  • Synthesis of a stent coating based on PEDOT and a drug complex by the adopted project assumptions,
  • Preparation of polymer coating samples on Co-Cr platforms for mechanical, aging, climatic, transport, and EO tests and degradation studies, and drug release analysis.
  • Preparation of reports and manuscripts from the conducted research, presentation of results at scientific conferences - preparation of scientific manuscripts for publication,
  • Participation in international team meetings.

Type of competition: NCBiR: mERA-NET 3 Call 2023

Deadline for submitting applications: 24.11.2024, 23:59 CET

Employment conditions: contract of mandate 3000-4000 PLN/month + for student-doctoral successful recruitment to the Gdańsk Tech Doctoral School 

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to karolina.cysewska@pg.edu.pl (PI: Dr inż. Karolina Cysewska). We will contact only selected candidates.

Date of posting the ad of extention: 12.11.2024.