Department of Biomedical Engineering (up to 2003 known as The Department of Electronics, Medical and Environmental) was initially established as a department at The Institute of Electronic Technology in June 1991. Since the beginning of 1992, after changing the organizational structure of the Faculty of ETI, The Department of Biomedical Engineering operates as an independent unit. In 2002 our Department was awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Science and Information therby obtaining, in collaboration with several other units, the status of Centre of Excellence in the field of medical techniques - CEMET.

Since its beginning, scientific interests of The Department have been focused on the development of modern diagnostic methods in medicine, especially bioimpedance, thermal, informatics as well as sensors techniques. Over the years, these subjects have been extended by screening for modern tools of electronics, informatics and telematics in medical applications. As a result, our Department specializes not only in research but also offers education in two directions e.g., in the field of medical electronics and informatics in medicine.

Practically in each of the conducted research project, in cooperation with several hospitals and units of Medical Academy in Gdansk, we carry out extensive experimental studies leading to development of new measurement and diagnostic techniques in terms of their clinical utility. Thus far, we had completed 18 research grants funded by KBN, several international cooperation projects and 2 large TEMPUS projects, which allowed us to well equip laboratories and establish broad international contacts. Currently, The Department collaborates with academic institutions from Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and the USA.

Our Department was the organizer of numerous international scientific workshops and conferences, particularly The National Conference of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (3 times) and XII ICEBI & V EIT international conference. During the existence of the Department, we promoted two assistant professors and 12 doctors of technical sciences. We also contributed to the similar number of promotions at  Medical University of Gdansk. Department staff received a number of prestigious awards and honors including Adronicos Kantsios Award in 2001 in Orlando and Siemens Award in 2004.

Since 2009, the Department of Biomedical Engineering conducts the interdepartmental course of Biomedical Engineering (IBM). This course is co-financed with "Human Capital Operational Programme" Priority IV, Measure 4.1 entitled "Strengthening the didactic potential of universities" granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The main objective of the project is the preparation and implementation of interdisciplinary course of Biomedical Engineering at Gdansk University of Technology. This new course is conducted by the Departments of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Chemistry and Physics and Applied Mathematics PG with the participation of specialists from the Medical Academy in Gdansk in four specializations (streams): Electronics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Physics in medicine. During the project students complete the whole I and II level of the studies. The project contains several actions increasing the attractiveness of the IBM course, including:

  • paid internships (scholarships for 1 or 3 months) for students of IBM in the best clinics and hospitals from Pomorskie Region as well as companies related to biomedical engineering.
  • compensatory programs in mathematics and physics for students of the first year;
  • modern didactic materials in electronic format (lectures, projects) and possibility of working on best equipment in laboratories dedicated to biomedical engineering;
  • new teaching methods and techniques based on distance education (e-learning, distance learning).