The Department of Robotics and Decision Systems was created in 2006 by professor Zdzislaw Kowalczuk and, for the most part, a group of academic staff of the Automatic Control Department. The fields of interests of the Department concern problems of robotics, modeling and identification, diagnostics, control and decision systems. Scientific research involve planning and control both industrial and economical processes as well as developing modern design methods using computer techniques and tools. The methods derived result both from classical analysis and artificial/computational intelligence. Industrial process diagnosis, methods of system and signal analysis and filtering, estimation of dynamical plants state, production and path planning and other problems, which enhance the characterization of the Department, are utilized in automatic control systems, mobile and flying robots, automotive vehicles and other industrial objects. In the field of teaching the Department’s staff together with the staff of the Automatic Control Department play the role of a principal leader in the BSc/MSc course of Automatic Control and Robotics in the Faculty of Electronics Telecommunication and Informatics of the Gdansk University of Technology.