SafeIDEA Automation Student Research Group, at the Department of Robotics and Decision Systems, operating since 2008. Successfully expanding in the student environment, among students of Automation and Robotics, interest in science, research and engineering and the association. The special field of activity of the Research Group is the field of automatics, robotics, cybernetics and artificial intelligence. SafeIDEA members are thriving in this field - using intellectual backroom and hardware. By implementing innovative projects, outside of existing projects, students from the Research Group have the opportunity to develop their skills in the team. The Centurio, Arti and PneuMobil, Helicopters (HeliEagle, FeniX), the Zeppelin (SCIenter) and the Intelligent Character of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM), as well as Many leading places in the international Odyssey Mind competition, held annually in the United States. (PAB) and foreign (SAAB, Folkswagen, Texas Instruments). Wheel members also take part in the promotion of AiR among high school children and adolescents (eg within the framework of the Baltic Science Festival).

For more information and current issues regarding Research Group, visit our website: SafeIDEA

Robots' Night 2010

On May 21, 2010 students of SafeIDEA research group took part in the "Night of Robots - Touch the Future" event, organized by the Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements (PIAP), which together with the tutor prof. Dr hab. Eng. Zdzislaw Kowalczek presented the following results of his work:

  • FeniX - unmanned four-cylinder. The model of an unmanned autonomous rotorcraft with four rotors, powered by electric motors. Engines are independent, and by varying the rotational speed of each one, you can control the altitude and direction of the helicopter flight.

  •  Remote-controlled scout vehicle with wireless communication and a manipulator mounted on it.
  • Q-Fix - thinking mobile robot with autonomous control / control system, using human psychic model. Elements of artificial intelligence allow the robot to make its own decisions.