Department of Teleinformation Networks: Master's Thesis Projects 2021/22 | Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-06-10

Department of Teleinformation Networks: Master's Thesis Projects 2021/22

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Academic year's 2021/22 master's thesis projects are now available on Department of Teleinformation Networks' website.

We invite interested parties to contact the Department's academic staff for details.

Download the list of projects (Polish version).

Rules for project's selection:

  1. Contact the supervisor of the desired project to discuss the details of it (contact via e-mail is recommended).
  2. In the event of a conflicting choice, the decision on the assigment is made by the project's supervisor. The choice is made based on such factors as grade point average from engineering studies.
  3. Supervisor assigns the student to the project in the My PG system after accepting the project choice.
  4. Deadline for project selection is set to: 25th of June 2021.