Immersive 3D Visualization Lab

The basic device of the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab is a full (i.e. having four walls, a floor and a ceiling), cubic virtual reality CAVE (CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment) - BigCAVE.

To navigate in a virtual reality CAVE, a wand (flystick) is usually used, i.e. a special controller held in the hand. However, I3DVL also has a globally unique solution enabling unlimited navigation in the virtual reality CAVE using feet. It is a transparent spherical walk simulator equipped with a mechanism developed for the I3DVL for inserting it into the CAVE. The spherical walk simulator can also be used outside the CAVE with a virtual reality headset (Head Mounted Display).

The Immersive 3D Visualization Lab has also a smaller MidiCAVE with three walls and a floor, enriched with a motion capture system, a MiniCAVE made of four stereoscopic monitors, as well as individual development stations and various virtual reality headsets.