• Help in treating phobias by immersion in virtual reality (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2014)
  • Immersive 3D Visualization Laboratory demonstrator (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2014)
  • Game that demonstrates possibilities of I3DVLab (B.Sc. Eng. project 2015)
  • System to support implosive phobias treating with use of virtual reality cave (B.Sc. Eng. project 2015)
  • 3D VR Game with a High Immersion Level (B.Sc. Eng. project 2015)
  • Measurements of selected optical properties of projection systems in CAVE virtual reality systems (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2016)
  • A three-dimensional virtual reality game that takes into account the player's emotions (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2016)
  • Adaptation of global illumination algorithms for on-line image generation – ray tracing (twoperson M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2016)
  • Adaptation of global illumination algorithms for on-line image generation – radiosity (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2016)
  • Synchronization of computers in virtual reality cave (B.Sc. Eng. project 2016)
  • Collision detection of objects for simulation in virtual reality cave (B.Sc. Eng. project 2016)
  • System for interactive visualization of complex chemical structures in virtual reality cave (B.Sc. Eng. project 2016)
  • Modeling the distribution of luminance and contrast of images in CAVE virtual reality systems (B.Sc. Eng. project 2016)
  • A three-dimensional cellular automaton simulating a neural network with visualization (B.Sc. Eng. project 2016)
  • Investigation of the properties of tracking systems in CAVE virtual reality systems (B.Sc. Eng. project 2016)
  • An attempt to implement the BlenderVR visualization system based on Blender3D in a virtual reality CAVE environment (M.Sc. thesis UG FMFI 2017)
  • Statistical estimation of the impact of being in virtual reality on user behavior (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2017)
  • Architectural Visualization in Unity (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2017)
  • The use of immersion in virtual reality to study human behavior (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2017)
  • Adaptation of global illumination algorithms for on-line image generation – photon mapping (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2017)
  • Simulation environment for Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (B.Sc. Eng. project 2017)
  • Distributed simulator of helicopter guidance during landing (B.Sc. Eng. project 2017)
  • System supporting the analysis of balance disorders with the use of virtual reality cave (B.Sc. Eng. project 2017)
  • Simulation training station for UAV copters in a virtual reality CAVE (B.Sc. Eng. project 2017)
  • Virtual sightseeing of Wisłoujście Fortress (group project 2017/2018)
  • Testing of projection screens in terms of their scattering and polarization properties (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2018)
  • Firefighter training simulator for CAVE environment in Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2018)
  • Immersion degree measurement for different virtual reality devices (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2018)
  • Scanning of the incident location for the purpose of visualization in the virtual reality cave (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2018)
  • The use of virtual reality in measurement of the aspect of morality in human behavior (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2018)
  • Testing the dispersion parameters of projection screens using integration spheres (B.Sc. Eng. project 2018)
  • Virtual 3D human anatomy atlas (B.Sc. Eng. project 2018)
  • 3D radiological data viewer (B.Sc. Eng. project 2018)
  • A system for rehabilitation of balance disorders with the use of virtual reality cave and motion tracking technique (B.Sc. Eng. project 2018)
  • Adaptation of the Unreal Engine to virtual reality caves in the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (B.Sc. Eng. project 2018)
  • Programming platform supporting physical interaction for virtual reality cave (B.Sc. Eng. project GUT FAPM 2018)
  • Virtual journey through the Solar System using space navigation (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2019)
  • Psychological determinants of presence in virtual reality (M.Sc. thesis SWPS FPS 2019)
  • Immersion in virtual reality - comparison of HTC Vive and CAVE technologies (M.Sc. thesis SWPS FPS 2019)
  • Graphical user interface for applications in virtual reality caves (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2019)
  • Application of photogrammetry in modeling of a scene for virtual reality cave (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2019)
  • Interactive visualization of Wikipedia pages in a virtual reality cave (B.Sc. Eng. project 2019)
  • 3D visualization in a virtual reality cave of results of simulation of wave interaction on a marine object (B.Sc. Eng. project 2019)
  • Extending the tracking system in a big virtual reality cave with recognition of the feet position on the floor (B.Sc. Eng. project 2019)
  • Full adaptation of the Unreal Engine to virtual reality caves in the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (group project 2019/2020)
  • Distributed Interactive Simulation for virtual reality caves in the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (group project 2019/2020)
  • Creating a 3D model of a medieval city for the needs of virtual reality (group project 2019/2020)
  • The influence of psychological and technological aspects on immersion level in virtual reality (twoperson M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2020)
  • Simulator of operating a five-axis milling machine with a tool exchanger (professional practice 2020)
  • The influence of individual and external factors on cybersickness in virtual reality (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2020)
  • A historical video game taking place in the scanned interiors of the Vistulamouth Fortress (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2020)
  • Interactive hologram of the Milky Way Galaxy (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2020)
  • A video game to analyze and promote pro-ecological attitudes in the sphere of public space (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2020)
  • Application programming interface for CAVE environment in Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2020)
  • High realism shooting simulator (M.Sc. Eng. thesis GUT FMEST 2021)
  • Recognition of the feet position on the floor of the big virtual reality cave in the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab (group project 2020/2021)
  • Universal simulation platform for observation on-board instruments of a flying reconnaissance drone (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2021)
  • A historical video game taking place in the Kashubian medieval port (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2021)
  • Rifle-shaped manipulator for shooting simulation (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2021)
  • Adaptation of EEG biosensors to analyze emotions in a virtual reality cave (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2021)
  • Virtual escape room (B.Sc. Eng. project 2021)
  • Educational virtual reality game in the field of chemistry (B.Sc. Eng. project 2021)
  • Arcade game in the CAVE environment supporting the rehabilitation of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (B.Sc. Eng. project 2021)
  • Applications of immersive spatial visualization in participatory research (on the example of the 3D game "City") (B.Sc. thesis UG FSS 2022)
  • The use of immersion in virtual reality to the implosive phobias treating (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2022)
  • Game of hide and seek in a virtual environment using the Unreal Engine (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2022)
  • Training simulator in the field of behavior during the fire (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2022)
  • The use of virtual reality for rehabilitation in demyelinating diseases (twoperson M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2022)
  • Shooter in a virtual environment using the Unreal Engine (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2022)
  • Navigation in 4D space using the CAVE environment (B.Sc. Eng. project 2022)
  • Navigation in space with non-Euclidean geometry using the CAVE environment (B.Sc. Eng. project 2022)
  • Adaptation of the Beat Saber rhythm game for motor rehabilitation (B.Sc. Eng. project 2022)
  • Magic 3D pencil (B.Sc. Eng. project 2022)
  • The use of virtual reality as a teaching tool in the field of chemistry (research project 2022/2023)
  • Virtual potter (research project 2022/2023)
  • CAVE based simulator of the Stewart platform for the lunar-mars rover demonstrator (research project 2022/2023)
  • Simulation of the perception of the world in psychotic disorders (research project 2022/2023)
  • Escape room promoting studies at the Faculty of ETI (group project 2022/2023)
  • Construction of an electronic system used to measure the vital parameters of VR users (group project 2022/2023)
  • Development of a holographic pyramid prototype (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2023)
  • Virtual reality system controlled by user's emotions (twoperson M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2023)
  • Virtual reality environment for testing of underwater system for navigation and augmented reality (M.Sc. Eng. thesis 2023)
  • A virtual reality game that forces a player to navigate with frequent changes of speed and direction (B.Sc. Eng. project 2023)
  • Measurements of the impact of various parameters of the virtual environment on the comfort of the simulation participant (B.Sc. Eng. project 2023)
  • Research on the simulation potential of VR CAVEs (research project 2023/2024)
  • A VR game with variable movement dynamics to investigate the usefulness of a spherical gait simulator (research project 2023/2024)
  • Virtual escape room with extent mathematics (research project 2023/2024)
  • Virtual sculptor (research project 2023/2024)
  • Research with the use of VR CAVEs on the influence of non-Euclidean geometry on human spatial orientation (research project 2023/2024)
  • Projection space and projection methods in virtual space. How are 3D objects projected onto planes? (group project 2023/2024)
  • Assessment of the possibilities and usefulness of using virtual reality in the rehabilitation of people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (M.Sc. thesis MUG FHS 2024)
  • Reconstruction of solids in the VR CAVE environment based on their projections on given planes (B.Sc. Eng. project 2024)