
  • “Development, testing, demonstration and dissemination of innovative Web-based Geographical Information System for threat monitoring, prediction, and risk analysis for the municipal area (Safe City GIS)”, 2012-2014. Financed by the European Space Agency in the course of the PECS programme.
  • “HortiSat: Integrated satellite applications for high value horticultural production” (2011-...) financed by the European Space Agency in the course of the PECS programme.
  • „Voice Maps – a GIS supporting the movement of the visually impaired in municipal areas”, 2010-2013. Financed by the Polish Ministry of Science.
  • “A system for automatic georeference of spatial data from satellite and aerial imaging sensors and their integration with reference raster and vector digital maps”, 2010 – 2012, No. 5272/B/T02/2010/39, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science.
  • „Web-based Geographic Information System for analysis and visualization of Critical Infrastructure and its hazards by civilian services” (CIPWEBGIS), No JLS/2007/EPCIP/001,  ABAC 30-CE-0158016/00-49, 2007 – 2009. Realized in cooperation with the Department of Crisis Management and Civil Protection of the Gdansk City Hall under the framework of the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP).
  • „Solider's Digital Communicator – personal intercom (iCOM)”, No. OR00 002705, 2009-2010, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science.
  • Bilateral R&D Cooperation between Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Poland - project on “Development of a monitoring and mapping system for marine pollution via Web-based GIS” between Hellenic Centre for Marine Research and Department of Geoinformatics, Gdansk University of Technology. 2007-2008.
  • „A web-based GIS for remote monitoring and imaging of pollution and other components of marine ecosystems”, 2006-2008, No. R02 009 01, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science.
  • „Classification of seabed type based on multibeam echosounder echo data”, 2006 -2008, No. N306 010 31/5080, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science.
  • „Three-dimensional imaging and mapping of the seabed with particular emphasis on shallow waters”, 2003 - 2005, No 3 P04E 052 25, financed by the Polish Ministry of Science.