The Department of Geoinformatics offers an attractive educational speciality called "Geoinformatics and Mobile Technologies", available to secondary degree students who want to gain knowledge in both the area of modern programming technologies and tools as well as specialized topics. The curriculum is adapted to the needs of the labour market for specialists in two main areas: Geographic Information Systems (spatial information management systems; Web services; spatial databases; digital maps; satellite navigation systems) and mobile technologies (advanced programming of mobile devices, including the use of various network protocols; development of web applications; applications of mobile devices, including geoinformation and multimedia). To meet market demands, the Department continuously updates the training program as well as hardware equipment in its laboratories. In terms of mobile technology, the speciality course teaches the programming of various systems which currently exist on the market: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, as well as accompanying technologies such as .NET, Silverlight, javascript and others. As a result, our graduates are well prepared specialists that may meet the requirements of even the most demanding employers.

Employment opportunities for graduates of the "Geoinformatics and Mobile Technologies" speciality offered by the Department are constantly expanding, because the use of Geographic Information Systems as well as mobile and embedded devices are becoming more common. The number of institutions and companies engaged in the production and use of these types of software is constantly increasing. Graduates of the speciality find employment in well-reputed companies cooperating with the Department, both domestic (FancyFon, Intel, Boeing Jeppesen, Petrobaltic, Marine Institute, WB Electronics, Escort, OPEGIEKA) and foreign (Reson, Lufthansa, C-Map Italy, Biosonics, Kongsberg, Thales, Boeing, Dartcom).

Our best students are offered participation in European research and development projects realized in the Department.

As part of the part-time postgraduate studies the Department offers a speciality called "Mobile systems and technologies", which teaches programming of mobile devices running Android, iOS and Windows Phone systems, in addition to other popular technologies in this area.