Laboratory of Geoinformatics

The laboratory offers attractive courses which realize the labour market demand for specialists in Geographic Information Systems.
The laboratory is equipped with latest versions of industry standard software for complex editing, analysis and three-dimensional visualization of raster as well as vector geographic data, including ESRI ArcGIS, Earth Resource Mapper and Quantum GIS. The laboratory is also home to a 1.5m HRPT/MetOp ground station receiver, which enables acquisition of satellite images for purposes of remote sensing.
Laboratory Applications of Embedded Systems, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

The laboratory offers attractive courses which realize the labour market demand for specialists in microcontrollers and embedded systems programming and its applications.
The laboratory is equipped with evaluation boards for Atmel (ATMega128), Microchip (PIC18F4520) microcontrollers and Cypress (CY3271, CY8CKIT-003), STMicroelectronics (STR910-Eval), Freescale (i.MX LiteKit) embedded systems. This equipment allows to become familiar with the basics and advanced features of embedded systems as well as methods of programming particular applications.
Laboratory of OSX and mobile technologies

The laboratory provides a wide range of courses regarding mobile technologies. It was created in 2012 as a separate laboratory in the new building of Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics. The laboratory is equipped with a large collection of Android (Galaxy S, Galaxy Note 2) and iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) mobile devices.
The remaining laboratory equipment includes twenty iMac desktop computers, which have both Mac OS X and Windows 7 operating systems installed in order to enable the development of applications, through various academic courses, for iOS, Android, Windows and other mobile platforms. In addition to programming for the most popular mobile operating systems, additional focus is given to 2D/3D game development (Unity 3D) and multiplatform applications (Cordova, PhoneGap and Titanium frameworks).