Quality Policy of Hydroacoustics Testing Laboratory is implemented in accordance with the documentation of laboratory management system based on the requirements of PN-EN ISO / IEC 17025. The laboratory was established for realization of measurements and tests in accordance with the standards, procedures, and legal regulations.
The main purposes are:
- maintaining a high level of quality of measurements and tests,
- reliability of the results,
- contracted tests and measurements on time.
The purposes/ are realized by:
- participation in proficiency testing to confirm the reliability of the test results,
- staff training in order to maintain the high technical competence,
- responding to the needs of customers, competent service, attention to good communication, reliable test results,
- familiarize the Hydroacoustics Testing Laboratory staff with laboratory documentation system,
- ensuring impartiality and confidentiality of information,
- continuous improvement of research and measurement methods and management system.
The laboratory staff is required to:
- using requirements of the PN-EN ISO / IEC 17025 and quality policy and procedures,
- professional practice and offering high quality service to customers,
- improving the effectiveness of the management system in the laboratory,
- reliable and professional meeting the requirements of customers,
- permanent improvement of implemented quality managemant system,
- provide the necessary resources to achieve the purposes,
- maintain the integrity of the system during planning and implementing changes in the management system,
- maintain an effective communication system.