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Head of Department Vice-Head of Department
Prof. Ph.D. D.Sc. Eng. Janusz Smulko
building A, room 445
phone: 48 58 348 6095
Ph.D. D.Sc. Eng. Robert Bogdanowicz, Assoc. Prof.
building A, room 353
phone: 48 58 347 1503 

At the Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics, we deal with measurements for diagnosing technical objects using electrical and photonic methods and the production of new semiconductor materials (carbon, diamond, and black phosphorus), intended for the development of sensors for hazardous compounds and pathogens. We build, integrate, and program electrical and optical measurement systems using popular instruments and systems (produced by Keithley, National Instruments, Keysight, Tektronix, Ando, ​​Newport, Thorlabs) and digital components (microcontrollers, signal processors, FPGA systems). We implement embedded systems using single-board computers (Raspberry Pi) and microcontroller modules (Arduino, STM32 Discovery, and many others) as well as dedicated software for measuring and processing signals. Our systems are used in corrosion measurements (impedance spectroscopy), in the analysis of air samples, in the detection of chemicals by spectral methods, for the quality assessment of electronic components (varistors, supercapacitors, semiconductors), or in advanced biological research. We use electronic, electrochemical, optical (e.g., optical coherence tomography), and spectral methods (absorption spectroscopy, Raman) to study chemical objects, environmental and biological factors, and selected materials. We build sensors and electronic detection systems.

We connect measuring systems using available wireless technologies (Bluetooth, ZigBee, LoRa). We use advanced signal processing algorithms (PCA, SVM, Deep Learning) to analyze the recorded data, optimizing the obtained detection results. We carry out several research projects in gas sensors, fiber sensors, detecting viruses, and other biologically active substances. We cooperate with over a dozen research centers around the world. We eagerly engage students in ongoing projects or work commissioned by companies from the Tri-City's economic environment. A detailed list of ongoing projects, laboratory equipment, and employee profiles are available on the subpages. We run two teaching specialties:

and a complimentary specialty: Embedded Systems.