As a part of the profile (BSc level) and the specialization (MSc level), our courses focus on microelectronic programmable and embedded systems design, applications of FPGAs and microprocessors, analog and digital ASIC, discrete-time systems, digital signal processing systems. As expected by the future employers, the graduates learn the technical aspects of designing hardware and software, as well as modern CAD software, such as CADENCE, VHDL, Verilog, Spice.
Courses - profile:
- Microelectronic Programmable Systems
- Applications of FPGA and CPLD in DSP
- Discrete Time Systems
- Design of ASIC
- Analog Integrated Circuits
Courses - specialization:
- Microelectronic Embedded Systems
- Applications of Signal Processors
- Integrated Sensor Networks
- Design of VLSI Circuits
- Programmable System on Chip Systems
- Microelectromechanical Systems
- Integrated Circuits for Computer Networks
- Integrated Circuits Design for Wireless Communication
- Continuous-Time Integrated Filters