Seminarium Mauro Ettorre, pt. “Antenna Frontiers: Radiating Systems in the Near and Far Field” | Wydział Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

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Data dodania: 2021-03-17

Seminarium Mauro Ettorre, pt. “Antenna Frontiers: Radiating Systems in the Near and Far Field”

Dr. Mauro Ettorre
Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium, które wygłosi Dr. Mauro Ettorre z CNRS Délégation Bretagne et Pays de Loire: Rennes, pt. “Antenna Frontiers: Radiating Systems in the Near and Far Field”, w sali NE206, o godz. 09:00, w dniu 25.11.2021. Poniżej znajduje się abstrakt oraz nota biograficzną prelegenta. Przypominamy o konieczności zakrywania ust i nosa w trakcie seminarium.

Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium, które wygłosi Dr. Mauro Ettorre z CNRS Délégation Bretagne et Pays de Loire: Rennes, pt. “Antenna Frontiers: Radiating Systems in the Near and Far Field”, w sali NE206, o godz. 09:00, w dniu 25.11.2021. Poniżej znajduje się abstrakt oraz nota biograficzną prelegenta. Przypominamy o konieczności zakrywania ust i nosa w trakcie seminarium.

We kindly invite you to the seminar given by Dr. Mauro Ettorre from CNRS Délégation Bretagne et Pays de Loire: Rennes, pt. “Antenna Frontiers: Radiating Systems in the Near and Far Field”, in room NE206, time 09:00, on 25.11.2021. Please find below an abstract and a biographical note of the speaker. We remind you to cover your mouth and nose during the seminar.


In this talk, I will describe my research efforts on electromagnetic radiating systems in the near and far field. The presentation will cover topics ranging from unconventional near-field phenomena to millimeter wave antennas for next-generation wireless systems. Millimeter-wave antennas are key to deploying next generation 5G networks and beyond and satellite systems that promise broad bandwidths and smart data links for mobile users. In collaboration with major industrial and academic partners, I recently proposed quasi-optical planar systems as efficient beam formers for multi-beam, wide scanning antennas. Such an approach overcomes the loss and prohibitive cost associated with phased arrays in the millimeter wave range, while preserving the agility of the radiating unit. Implementations of the proposed system in the millimeter and subterahertz frequency range will be presented in different technologies such as substrate integrated waveguide (SIW), low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) and silicon micromaching. For satellite links, I will show that these quasi-optical planar systems can be used to drive wideband terminal antennas for high data rates and wide coverage. In addition to these efforts on far-field radiating systems, I will summarize my current studies on non-diffractive beams in the radiative near field. In particular, I will show how non-diffractive beams can be generated with planar radiating structures such as metasurfaces and radial line slot arrays. The planar structures excite such beams through the excitation of cylindrical leaky waves. Different launchers with various field polarizations and bandwidths will be presented. The generation of X-waves (non-diffracting pulses) will also be discussed. In particular, a wideband circular polarized radial line slot array will be introduced that can generate X-waves at millimeter waves. I will conclude the talk by presenting a novel scheme for wireless power transmission using such non-diffractive radiation.

Speaker’s Biography:

Dr. Mauro Ettorre received a Laurea degree “summa cum laude” in Electrical Engineering (telecommunications program) and a Ph.D. in Electromagnetics from the University of Siena, Italy, in 2004 and 2008, respectively. Part of his Ph.D. work was developed at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Netherlands, where he later worked as an Antenna Researcher. From 2008 to 2010, Dr. Ettorre was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the IETR, University of Rennes 1, France. In October 2010, he joined IETR as CNRS Research Scientist. In 2010 and 2016, he was a Visiting Scholar in the Radiation Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. In 2015, he was an invited professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. From 2014 until 2020, he assumed responsibilities for the multi-beam antenna activity for satellite applications in the joint laboratory (MERLIN) between IETR and Thales Alenia Space, France. From 2016 until 2021, he was the scientific secretary of the French National Committee for Scientific Research, Section 08 (micro- and nanotechnologies, photonics, electromagnetism), CNRS, Paris, France. Since 2017, he leads the BEAMS (BEam Antennas up to Mm and Sub-mm waves) team at IETR. Dr. Ettorre’s research interests include the analysis and design of leaky-wave antennas, periodic structures, millimeter-wave antennas, non-diffractive radiation, near-field focusing techniques, and wireless power transfer systems. He has authored over 70 journal papers, 170 conference communications and holds 12 patents on millimeter-wave antenna technology. Dr Ettorre is a senior member of IEEE. Since 2017, he serves as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. From 2017 until 2020 he was a member of the Selection Committee for the Best Paper Award, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. In 2020, he co-founded the open access journal Reviews on Electromagnetics of EurAAP for which he serves as Associate Editor. In 2020 and 2021 he was appointed European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) ambassador. The research activity of Dr. Ettorre has been rewarded by several prizes, lately by the Innovation Award at 2018 ESA Antenna Workshop in the Netherlands, the Best Paper Award in Electromagnetics and Antenna Theory at the 2018 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), London, UK and the Best Antennas Paper Award at EuCAP 2021, Düsseldorf, Germany.

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