Seminaria KIMF zaczęły się odbywać regularnie od 19 grudnia 2023 r. Poniżej tematyka wystąpień popularyzujących badania doktorantów i pracowników naukowych Katedry, przedstawiona na spotkaniach.

Seminarium 17.03.2025 r. odbędzie się we poniedziałek o godz. 9:15 w sali EA122.

Seminaria 2025
Data Nazwisko Tytuł wystąpienia
17.03.2025 Justyna Ignaczak High temperature corrosion of ferritic stainless steel in hydrogen steam atmosphere
17.03.2025 Bartłomiej Lemieszek Impact of Annealing Temperature on Praseodymium Oxide: A Synchrotron Radiation Study
10.03.2025 Carsten Schwandt Past Research and Future Plans
10.03.2025 Katarzyna Ostrowska Internship experience at Stargate Hydrogen Solutions OÜ: Application of ceramic-based electrodes to practical scale electrolyser systems
04.03.2025 Muhammad Tasaduq Ilyas Ni-Fe based electrocatalyst for alkaline water electrolysis
04.03.2025 Maryam Mehdizade
  • Effect of Fe substitution on the properties of Mn2-xCuFexO4spinel oxide coatings prepared by spray pyrolysis
  • Effect of substitution of Zr on the properties of Ce1-xZrxO2thin films
18.02.2025 Tanvir Ahmed Enhancing the performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell through Praseodymium oxide Infiltration in the Oxygen Electrode

Akhtar Muhammad Saleem (visit from Politechnika Warszawska)

Nanostructured porous electrodes for high-performance supercapacitors
11.02.2025 Agnieszka Drewniak Research Progress in the Oxidation of Alloy Powders
28.01.2025 Agata Ducka Influence of the Transition Metal Doping on the Properties of Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6 Double Perovskite
28.01.2025 Bartłomiej Lemieszek Praseodymium oxide as a potential material for oxygen electrodes in SOCs - influence of humidity and preliminary measurements of full cells
21.01.2025 Justyna Ignaczak Enhancing protective performance of MnCo2O4 spinel coating on solid oxide cells interconnects through partial substitution of Mn, Co with Mg, Al, Y
14.01.2025 Patryk Błaszczak Improving Catalytic Activity of Solid Oxide Electrolysers for the Electrosplitting of Water Vapor and CO2 by the Addition of Affordable and Eco-Friendly Promoter Metals
Seminaria 2024
Data Nazwisko Temat wystąpienia
17.12.2024 Samih Haj Ibrahim Modeling the influence of thermally grown oxide inside porous Fe-Cr alloys on gas permeability
17.12.2024 Zaeem Ur Rehman Effect of Process Parameters on Electrospun PVP and La0.7Sr0.3Co0.5Mn0.5O3 Nanofibers
10.12.2024 Mohammad Taghi Tourchi Moghadam Comprehensive Analysis of Deposition Conditions on the Electrical Interface Parameters of PEDOT:PSS for Enhanced Neural Electrode Applications
10.12.2024 Maryam Mehdizade Effect of process parameters on properties of Mu1.5CuFe0.5O4 novel spinel oxide coatings deposited by spray pyrolysis method for metallic interconnect applications
03.12.2024 Gabriela Małyszko Conductive hydrogel-based composite materials for flexible energy conversion and storage devices
03.12.2024 Bartłomiej Lemieszek Investigating Praseodymium Oxide as an Effective Oxygen Electrode for Low-Temperature SOCs: Progress summary
26.11.2024 Joanna Wysocka From Theory to Practice: My Path of Development in Applied Electrochemistry and Materials Engineering
19.11.2024 Muhammad Tasaduq Ilyas A glimpse of my research journey in materials engineering
19.11.2024 Tanvir Ahmed Navigating Academia and Beyond: My Journey, Research background, and Future Aspirations
18.06.2024 Omid Ekhlasiosgouei Electrophoretic deposition of a novel hybrid MnCo2O4: Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 spinel coating on stainless steel interconnects for SOFCs application
11.06.2024 Gabriela Małyszko Conductive hydrogel-based composite materials for flexible energy conversion and storage devices
11.06.2024 Zaeem Ur Rehman Optimization of Electrospinning Parameters for Development of La0.7Sr0.3Co0.5Mn0.5O3 Nanofibers
04.06.2024 Samih Haj Ibrahim Predictive model of high-temperature oxidation of porous Fe-Cr steels
28.05.2024 Mohammad Taghi Tourchi Moghadam

Optimizing Electrochemical Deposition Parameters of PEDOT:PSS for Neural Electrodes

28.05.2024 Katarzyna Ostrowska Summary of progress in electrode preparation using the dip coating method
28.05.2024 Justyna Ignaczak Effect of coatings on a ferritic Stainless Steel for SOEC Interconnect application in hydrogen/steam atmosphere
21.05.2024 Bartłomiej Lemieszek Enhanced electrochemical performance of partially amorphous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ oxygen electrode materials for low-temperature solid oxide cells operating at 400 °C – summary
14.05.2024 Mohammad Adnan Faisal (ERASMUS+ PhD) Spray Pyrolysis of HEO on Quartz and Sapphire Substrate
14.05.2024 Maryam Mehdizade Defective metal oxides as the next generation of lead-free piezoelectrics for ultrasonic actuators
07.05.2024 Gabriela Małyszko Conductive hydrogel-based composite materials for flexible energy conversion and storage devices
07.05.2024 Agnieszka Drewniak High temperature oxidation of alloy powders - post-mortem analysis
23.04.2024 Omid Ekhlasiosgouei Preparation of MnCo2O4 and Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 single-layer, and novel MnCo2O4/ Mn1.7CuFe0.3O4 dual-layer spinel coatings on complex-shaped metallic interconnects by EPD method
23.04.2024 Zaeem Ur Rehman Information about past research and project at Gdańsk Tech
09.04.2024 Bartłomiej Lemieszek Development and characterization of oxygen electrodes based on PrOx.
09.04.2024 Katarzyna Ostrowska Preparation and examination of electrodes prepared by dip-coating method – PART II
26.03.2024 Samih Haj Ibrahim Modeling of microstructure evolution during high-temperature oxidation of porous Fe-Cr steels
26.03.2024 Maciej Haras Micro- and nano-technology for the future generations electronics
18.03.2024 Mohammad Adnan Faisal Background and research project progress
11.03.2024 Agnieszka Drewniak Progress in the HT oxidation test of alloy powders
11.03.2024 Agata Ducka Reversible phase transition from double perovskite to Ruddlesden-Popper phase
27.02.2024 Maryam Mehdizade Application of Spray Pyrolysis for deposition of thin films
27.02.2024 Katarzyna Ostrowska Development of a method for preparing electrodes by dip-coating method
14.02.2024 Damian Koszelow Ultra-thin alumina coating for improving a corrosion resistance of porous alloys
14.02.2024 Omid Ekhlasiosgouei Suspension and process parameters selection for electrophoretic deposition of Mn-Co spinel coating on steel interconnects
06.02.2024 Patryk Błaszczak Faster approach on the EIS-DRT analysis of the SOFC stacks
06.02.2024 Bartłomiej Lemieszek Development and characterization of materials used for low-temperature oxygen electrodes in solid oxide cell technology.
23.01.2024 Justyna Ignaczak Ultra-fast high-temperature sintering (UHS) of (MnCuFe)3O4 oxide coatings on FSS for solid oxide cell interconnects
23.01.2024 Samih Haj Ibrahim Numerical simulations in materials science and engineering - case study
09.01.2024 Damian Koszelow Glass-ceramic sealants and steel interconnects: Performance at high temperature
09.01.2024 Mohammad Taghi Tourchi Moghadam Development of multi-functional neural electrode with the use of conductive polymer
Seminaria 2023
Data Nazwisko Temat wystąpienia
19.12.2023 Agnieszka Drewniak Internship experience at MCL: Cryo-milling. Resizing and defect introductions in Fe22Cr steel powder
19.12.2023 Milena Marycz  
19.12.2023 Iga Szpunar The lanthanide influence on selected properties of BaLnCo2O6-δ