comparison - porównanie

computerized - skomputeryzowany

at the conference - na konferencji

to comment on - komentować

carry out - wykazać, przeprowadzać

comprehensive - obszerny (np. przegląd literatury)

attend a course - uczęszczać na kurs

to have become convinced - przekonać się

decision criteria - kryteria decyzyjne

in common with - wspólnie z

contradicting (1). q

correspond to - odpowiadać

for convenience - dla wygody

contradiction - sprzeczność (patrz też pod H)

Suppose by way of contradiction that ...

this takes care of all -

In this paper we concentrate on -

We are concerned mainly with the -

carry out the algorithm - wykonywać algorytm

vary in complexity - różnić się stopniem komplikacji

claim - żądanie, warunek, stwierdzenie

conversely - na odwrót (w dowodach), w przeciwnym kierunku

as claimed - jak stwierdzono

It is clear that ... -

circled - zatoczony kołem

with the condition that ... -

concerning the - dotyczące

# is concerned with - # zajmuje się

# is small compared with - # jest  mały w porównaniu z

program was contained in 1953 words -

data were comprised in 1883 words -

# compares favorably with - wypada korzystnie w porównaniu z

as compared to - w porównaniu z

corollary to the Theorem 1 - wniosek z

We conclude by listing ... - kończymy przez wylistowanie ...

We conclude by mentioning the most interesting open problems

the triangle is congruent to

In order to circumvent this,... -

# is a beautiful and profound subject in which most problems are conceptually intricate and computationally intractable.

compound - zmieszać (l. zespolona)

under these conditions - przy ...

as a consequence, - w konsekwencji,

consequently - skutkiem tego

# is composed of ... -  jest złożony z

come up with - wystąpić z

comparatively - stosunkowo

orientation of edges clockwise around x in the plane is ...-

Examples can be constructed that cause the algorithm to deviate from optimal ...

cross-reference - odsyłacz

consider an s-stage network ... -

There is an approximation algorithm of O(max{|V|3,|A|3}) time complexity for k-SCP such that... -

..., but with a much smaller constant of proportionality than the one arising from a worst-case analysis -

# leads to the following conclusion:-

For easy reference we shall call these A-algorithms -

Thus the suggestion that loop-free implementation should contribute to the performance of an algorithm does not seem to be convincing. -

partial correctness - częściowa poprawność programu

comments are between braces - komentarze podano w klamrach

let # be arranged cyclically counterclockwise about v -

In comparing our results with previous ones ...-

The converse is not true since ...-

 , contradicting our assumption on #. - co przecy naszemu przypuszczeniu

consistent - zgodny

For concreteness, ... -

More concretely, -

In conclusion, ... - We wnioskach

In contrast, ...

By contrast, ...

algorithm A requires at most # calls to algorithm B. -

In all examples of this paper the algorithms make choices. For convenience we do not point out that different results are possible if different choices are made.

# is checked against existing data for possible inconsistencies. -

capitals - duże litery

It is customary to assume that

Research on perfect graphs has centered around two questions.

It is not difficult to convince oneself  that ... -

couched - zredagowany

cumbersome - niewygodny, kłopotliwy

On the contrary, ...- Przeciwnie

The command exit causes a transfer of control to the first statement after the innermost looping statement which contains it.

, it is natural to ask under what circumstances we prefer to use one way rather then another. -

compare its time against your favorite sorting method -

Actually, this is not the case  -

#1coupled with #2 - #1 połączony z #2

We close this section by reporting ...-

the graph all of whose edge costs are identical ... -

If the common edge cost is  c, ... -

It is a believable conjecture -

They made the crucial observation that -

The crux of the matter is that ... -

in case of a directed network.

# is likely to be computationally intractable -

# does not carry over to the case where - # nie przenosi się na przypadek

This contradiction concludes the proof. q

set containment : is   and /or vice versa, or are they incomparable? -

To avoid confusion, in the paper we will always use the term 'simple graph' when we wish to exclude multiple edges. -

The crux of their argument lay in showing how to construct ... -

For convenience of presentation, we shall henceforth denote by # -

The approach cannot be considered practical.

to be considered for inclusion -

With some care the complexity can be improved to ... -

Let C be a minimal cutset (with respect to set inclusion, not cardinality). -

counterclockwise (am. anticlockwise) -

At the 1976 GT conference at Kalamazoo, ... -

Correspondingly, ...

therefore our assumption is contradicted - dlatego nasze założenie jest zaprzeczone,

contradicting (1). q

This proves the claim. q

The graph in the box is abbreviated according in the graph Kn to make the figure less cluttered.

..., with the converse not necessarily true.

the companion paper [1] - artykuł towarzyszący

Suppose for a contradiction that ...

contiguous - przylegający, zwarty (np. zbiór liczb przylegających, czyli przedział)

The basic coloring problem is to group items in as few groups as possible, subject to the constraint that no incompatible items end up in the some group.

For the sake of completeness = self – contained

a enjoys relation with its cousin  a’

can be construed – może być interpretowane