decrease - zmniejszyć się

define - określać

distinct - różny

dense - gęsty

to be at the disposal - być do dyspozycji

departure from ... to -

it has therefore been decided -

it would be desirable - byłoby pożądane

this article discusses the -

development has been most marked -

to deal with - dotyczyć, zajmować się

developmental work -

results are derived in this - rezultaty są wyprowadzane w tym

despite the fact that - mimo faktu, że

We denote as ... - oznaczamy przez

to be designated  as - być nazywanym jako

detailed description - szczegółowy opis

depends heavily on -  silnie

depends highly on  -  silnie

depends hardly on - słabo

Next section is devoted to this problem - następna sekcja jest poświęcona temu problemowi

domain - dziedzina funkcji

There is a set # of edges whose deletion breaks all cycles -

deficiency - brak, deficyt

disappearance - zanik

discharge - odbarwianie, rozładowywania

disturbance - zakłócenie

direct - bezpośredni, kierować

there is not doubt that -

devise - wynaleźć, wymyśleć

due to - z powodu

It can be continued as far as desired - może to być kontynuowane tak dalece jak się chce

due to the fact - spowodowane faktem

discrepancy - rozbieżność

From this the contradiction can be deduced.

The algorithm is described here at a level of detail that allows to deal with its correctness.

Depending on the application - zależnie od zastosowania

# is decisively (decidedly) - better than - # jest zdecydowanie lepszy niż

dense inputs - dense graphs

Existing algorithms work (do) only in a range where x(G) is driven by clique size

The last feature deserves a few words. -

the least common multiple of the denominations - najmniejsza wspólna wielokrotność mianowników

Thought the extra linear factor does make a considerable difference, the exponential character of these times dominates and implies that they will both soon become intolerably long.

The conclusion we draw is this: -

# describes this process in full detail -

# are drawn squaren in Fig. 2 -

# are very much dependent on  -

discernible differences in -

These results indicate a slight progressive deterioration in the affectiveness of the sequential coloring algorithms with increasing n.

doable - wykonalny

This operation can be done within time proportional to m by the use of an appropriate data structure for the representation of G.

4 goes into more detail. -

trees with maximum vertex degree d -

dash -

although the basic minimum spanning tree  problem may be easy it does not take much extra to make it difficult -

This number is independent of the skill and care in choosing and implementing data structures

This  takes into account the inherent complexity of maintaining data structures but depends on the skill and care of their implementation

denominator - mianownik

the back diagonal - odwrotna przekątna

We shall drop the reference to the graph G, writing N(v) instead of NG(v).

The proof of the theorem is deferred to Appendix A -

, we obtain the desired conclusion. q

We distinguish between the following two cases: