is to be hold - ma być odbyte (mające się odbyć)

holds - zachodzi

, a contradiction of our hypothesis - co przeczy naszemu założeniu (po przecinku, na końcu zdania)

the following simple inequality holds: ...

herein - tu, w niniejszej pracy

from here on - poczynając od tego miejsca

highly implausible result - wysoce nieprawdopodobny rezultat

The heavy edges are the jobs while the dotted lines are functions jobs

the next highest numbered color -

Since there is ... on  the one  hand, and the ... on the other, the question naturally arises: ...

heuristic for coloring

highlights - uwydatnia

with heavy edges denoting l-edges

We shall henceforth assume such a layout without further explicit mention.

henceforth - od tego miejsca

However, the problem appears to become considerably harder when k is allowed to increase more rapidly with n.

Here and throughout, where necessary, we shall identify #1 with #2

The details get a little hairier, and the technicalities are quite lengthy. We save them for a longer version of this paper.

in the column headed # – w kolumnie pod nagłówkiem #