performance - wydajność; przedstawienie

provided that - pod warunkiem, że

this is not the place to - nie ma tu właściwego miejsca

pattern - wzór, szablon

pertaining to - typowy dla; odnoszący się do

to put into practical use - wdrożyć

peculiar to - ściśle związany z

to rest on the principle - opierać się na zasadzie

the problem posed  - postawiony problem

if can seem possible - może się wydać możliwym

in the first place - przede wszystkim

at present - obecnie

it has been proved - udowodniono

the purpose of this section is to show - celem tego punktu jest pokazanie

For the purposes of this introduction, -

preceded and followed by permutation circuits -

# # is the product space - jest iloczynem kartezjańskim

in particular - w szczególności

tree sets play an important role in the algorithm -

A few more remarks about the implementation of the algorithm seem in place - ... (na miejscu) stosowne

The proof of  Lemma 1 is a tedious, though not complicated, case analysis -

plea - uzasadnienie

there is little prospect of ... = są małe szanse na ...

The problem has been shown to be NP-complete

Now we proceed to give ... - obecnie przystępujemy do podania ...

propositional calculus - rachunek zdań

pressure - ciśnienie, napięcie

The operation of computers is made possible by the use of special language - ... jest umożliwione dzięki zastosowaniu ...

provable - dowiedzialny

perimeter - obwód

There are problems for which there exists what might be called "polynomial time approximation schemes", capable of guaranteeing performance arbitrarily close to optimal.

Let us note in passing

# is plotted in Fig.6. -

Figure # shows the computing time required by the algorithm plotted against the number of the vertices in the graph.

It may not be out of place to mention the various combinatorial advanteges of these sequences - Może nie być nie na miejscu ...

it pays to ... - opłaca się

post-condition - warunek ostateczny

prior to the - przed

presorted - wstępnie posortowane

to preclude the existence - wykluczać istnienie

pruned - okrojone

The parenthetical numbers - liczby w nawiasach

It should be pointed out that the worst-case approach is pessimistic in the sense that approximation algorithms rarely attain their maximum performance ratio in practice.

... by the price of a serious increase of the constant -

a preparatory pass - krok przygotowawczy

But in this case it is preferable to employ a for loop, as for example, -

, which may prove useful ... -

primer - podręcznik

Pictorally this looks like Fig.1.

publicized rather than published -

mentioned in passing - wspomniane mimochodem

In a 1976 paper [1], Johnson ... -

we do not pursue the complexity issue here -

prespecified - ustalony na wstępie

presumably - przypuszczalnie

perpendicular to - prostopadły do

additional edges serve no purpose -

in polynomial time (bez "a") -

# is pleased to announce the ...

This can be provided automatically by using as a preprocessor a probabilistic algorithm for computing degrees

running time is bounded by a polynomial in m,n, eq. O(mk nl). -

, several of these will be mentioned in passing. - O niektórych z nich wspomnimy mimochodem.

Preliminary results were reported in [ ] and can be summed up in the following observations. -

We are now in a position to state our main result / to describe our algorithm. -

relatively high-order polynomials

a ratio performance guarantee -

an absotule performance guarantee -

The number m of processors is specified as part of the problem type.

The number m of processors is specified as part of the problem instance.

parallelogram -

low-order polynomial time -

Page allotments being what they are, I shall have to postpone ... - Przydziały stron są takie jakie są, więc ...

... are of primary interest.

For n £ 500 a time limit of one hour was placed on each program.

Many authors contributed to highlight particular properties of graphs that make it possible to solve them efficiently.