to scratch the surface of this very diverse and important subject - dotknąć tematu

substitution - podstawienie

standpoint -

set up - sporządzić, zestawić

stepped-up production - rosnąca produkcja

so to say - jak gdyby, że tak powiem

survey - zbadać

so far - dotychczas

set forth - przedstawić

on a massive scale - na wielką skalę

it has been shown - było pokazane

system has been examined through extensive test routines -

to see with half an eye that - łatwo dostrzec

# S stands for the cardinality of S.

in the sequel - w dalszym ciągu (poczynając od tego miejsca)

generally speaking - ogólnie mówiąc

strictly speaking -

roughtly  speaking -

one can make sure that - można upewnić się, że

is said to possess - mówi się, że posiada

is said to be... - mówi się, że jest

will be said to ...

will be called -

will said to be -

will be said to be

A subset  is said to have the intersection property

for notational simplicity we will drop the argument I on Z(I) throughout the remainder of the paper.

this is (so) because ... - jest tak dlatego, że

then for similar reasons to those of the above paragraf - wówczas z analogicznych powodów jak wyżej

skewed - skośny

speed-up - przyspieszenie

, a study is made of ... - zbadano ...

solidus - kreska ułamkowa

slow down - spowolnić

suppose that - przypuśćmy, że

in symbols - symbolicznie

for simplicity's sake

for simplicity, let -

succeeding - następny

The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.1 and will be omitted

solution to this problem -

each element of a graph is stored as four bits

The speed of algorithm depends on ... -

Specifically - w szczególności

Summing over all ... - sumując wszystko

straightforward calculation shows - proste (bezpośrednie) wyliczenie pokazuje

subfamily - podrodzina

A-B's paper =  A and B's paper

seal - pieczątka, znak, izolacja, plomba

sensitivity - wrażliwość

shear - ścinanie

shell - powłoka

spark - iskra

specimen - okaz, egzemplarz okazowy, wzór

stimulus - bodziec

strain - naprężenie, odkształcenie

strength - natężenie, wytrzymałość

stress - naprężenie, ciśnienie, siła

substitution - podstawienie

supply - zaopatrzenie

surface - nawierzchnia, powierzchnia

swelling - nadymanie, spuchnięcie

# shows it to be - # wskazuje, że jest ono

Stated simply the goal is to ... -

sketch - szkic

It will suffice for our purposes to regard P as the ...

#1 is substituted for #2 - #1 zastępuje #2, czyli #1 jest podstawiona za #2

slightly less than - nieco mniejsze niż

the technique is sensitive to the compiler/machine used - technika ta jest wrażliwa na...

If the graph is sparse, that is, the number of edges are far fewer than n(n–1)/2.

immediate alphabetic successor - bezpośredni następnik w porządku alfabetycznym

skip - zostaw

from a worst-case standpoint -

in an expected time sense -

(Explicit dependence on n is suppressed for readability and will be clear from context.)

seemingly  - pozornie

search should retread up the tree - przeszukiwanie winno cofnąć się w górę drzewa

We seem to have solved the problem. -

It seems extremely likely that ... -

our algorithm is particularly suited for  ... -

In its broadest sense, the # ... - w najszerszym sensie

Such a schedule is called squeezed to the left since each edge is colored with the smallest available color

superscript - górny indeks

serial number - numer porządkowy

the so-called critical path

slow down - spowolnić

Notice that the storage requirements, besides A(1..n) are only for a few simple variables

the sum is taken over all permutations -

a system of mp linear equations  -

Here, the bound specializes to # -

a sample of 10 randomly generated graphs -

The probabilistically simple structure of random ordering makes the resulting RANDOM sequential coloring algorithm susceptible to asymptotic analysis -

with slight variations in slope for the different types of graph  - z niewielkimi różnicami nachylenia

Our next result in this spirit  is Theorem 5

One strives to minimize ... - Usiłujemy zminimalizować

SL - the vertices v1, v2,...,vn of a graph are said to be in smallest-last order whenever vi has minimum degree in the maximal subgraph on the vertices  v1, v2,...,vi  for all i.

s/he - on (ona)

When the meaning is clear from context, we use 'color' instead of 'multicolor', and speak of the 'multiplicity of a color', etc.

summand - (znaczy prawdopodobnie składnik)

for sure - na pewno

One starts by computing -

for short - dla krótkości

under the stipulation that - pod warunkiem, że

Many deep results have been obtained  by # in a sequence of papers.

per se - sam przez się

Orlin et al.'s algorithm -

a side effect - efekt uboczny


no subexponential algorithm to solve # is known -

The current sentiment is that no polynomial time algorithm exists.

in the strict sense -

It can also be seen straightforwardly that ...

b1 pieces of the largest size s1, b2 of the second largest size s2, ... , bn pieces of the smallest size sn.

Proof. Suppose not. Then ... , which violates the hypothesis. q

It is open as to the status of REG (k).

Our motivation for studing this class of problems stems from work on a pulsed radar system.

Determining whether 3 colors will suffice was one of the original 6 problems that Karp reduced

Satisfiability to in his seminal 1972 paper [ ]. - ... w swym “nasiennym” artykule z roku 1972

Consider the part of the 2-dimensional integer grid bounded by point A = (0,0) at the southwest corner and by B = (n,n) at the northeast corner.

In the setting of a job system, this is equivalent to finding a schedule...

each value of n=50,75,...,225 in steps 25.

On the negative side,...

I have just skimmed the paper. – Właśnie przejrzałem artykuł.