violate restrictions - naruszać ograniczenia

vary in complexity - różnić się stopniem komplikacji

vanish - znikać

It can be verified  that -

valve - zawór, wentyl, lampa elektronowa

Many problems in switching networks can in this way be viewed  as graph-theoretic problems

numerical value - wartość liczbowa

vast majority - ogromna większość

It is easy  to verify that -

One important result of this study is that it allows one to make quantitative judgments about the value of one algorithm over another

 the variable tuple size formulation - zmienna długość n-tki

the virtue of backward approach -

vis a vis the forward approach -

# varies from one problem instance to another -

the vicinity  - sąsiedztwo

viz. - tzn.

We took the view that ... - zajęliśmy stanowisko, że...

in view of - zważywszy na

solvable via an algorithm -

This seems to vastly overestimate m(G). -

to be in vogue - być w modzie

to be vague - być niejasnym

Theorem # shows that even if  x is allowed to very, then ...

The following holds, with virtually the same proof as that of Theorem 1.