Nanodiamond and Nanocarbon Conference (NDNC) | Wydzia艂 Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gda艅skiej

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Data dodania: 2023-06-28

Nanodiamond and Nanocarbon Conference (NDNC)


馃摙 Exciting News! 馃専 Robert Bogdanowicz and Micha艂 Sobaszek actively participated in the Nanodiamond and Nanocarbon Conference (NDNC) in East Lansing, MSU, USA. 馃帀

The NDNC is a prestigious event that brings together academics and industry professionals to discuss the latest advancements and issues in the field of diamond, carbon, and related materials, as well as their applications. It serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and networking among experts in the industry.

We are proud to announce that Robert Bogdanowicz and Micha艂 Sobaszek were actively engaged in this year's conference, which took place in East Lansing, Michigan, USA, from 18th to 22nd June 2023. Their active participation demonstrates their commitment to staying at the forefront of research and innovation in the field of nanodiamonds and nanocarbon.

The NDNC 2023 was an incredible opportunity for Robert and Micha艂 to interact with fellow researchers, industry leaders, and experts from around the globe. This conference provided them with invaluable insights, novel perspectives, and the chance to explore potential collaborations with renowned professionals in their field.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Robert Bogdanowicz and Micha艂 Sobaszek for their active involvement in this esteemed conference. Their contributions have undoubtedly enriched the discussions and fostered advancements in the exciting realm of nanodiamonds and nanocarbon.

Stay tuned for more updates on their groundbreaking research and future endeavors! 馃挮

#NDNC2023 #NanodiamondConference #CarbonMaterials #ResearchAdvancements #InnovationInTheMaking

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